Lawsuit document

What is Res Ipsa Loquitor?

Real-life is not like the courtroom dramas you see on television. Sometimes, the facts of a case do not fall into place neatly. For example, in a personal injury case, causation can be a challenge to prove. The legal doctrine of res ipsa loquitor creates a rebuttable presumption that the defendant must...

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Personal Injury attorney going over legal documents with client

Guide to the Assumption of Risk Doctrine

Sometimes a defendant will raise the defense of “assumption of risk” to try to avoid liability when their negligence injures someone. California law can bar a plaintiff from recovering money damages in some situations under this doctrine, but it depends on the circumstances.

Assumption of the risk is a...

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man with back injury being checked out by doctor

How a Back Injury Affects Your Life

Many people get back injuries in car accidents, on the job, in slip and fall accidents, and by other means. Those who have never hurt their back before might not appreciate how a back injury affects your life. Having a slipped disc, fractured vertebrae, strained muscle, spinal cord damage, or another back...

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Lawsuit document

Can You Sue if Harmed by a Weight-Loss Drug

Many weight loss pills make extraordinary claims about their effectiveness, but even if they work as well as promised, they might cause harm in the process. If you suffered an injury because of a medication or supplement advertised as a weight loss product, you might be wondering if you have any legal...

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Car accident

Major Types of California Vehicle Accidents

If you've been injured in a car accident, it's important to understand the different types of accidents that can occur. In California, there are six major types of vehicle accidents. Each type of accident can result in a different set of injuries, so it's important to know what to watch out for. 

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car accident

What Should I Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

Car accidents can be incredibly stressful and can result in potentially devastating injuries. In the best-case scenario, all vehicles pull out of traffic, create an accident report with the police, exchange information, and so on. In some situations, particularly in super-densely populated areas like California, the offending driver may cause a collision,...

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woman dealing with tire issues

How Defective Tires Can Cause Accidents

Accidents happen every day in California, many of those produce some relatively serious injuries. While many of these accidents are caused by negligence, there is a significant number that is caused by vehicle malfunctions, and one of the most common malfunctions that cause accidents is defective tires. Many people don’t think much...

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