How to legally deal with airport accidents

Countless people fly daily from or to various airports located in California. And while most of these people go through these facilities without a problem, the unfortunate reality is that only some are successful.

Airport accidents happen frequently and can have long-term consequences on your physical and mental health...

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Animated image of airplane crash in Los Angeles

Aviation & Plane Crash Statistics

Airplane crashes are devastating incidents that can result in significant loss of life, severe injuries, and emotional trauma for survivors and their families. In such tragic situations, understanding your legal rights and seeking appropriate legal recourse is crucial. J&Y will provide valuable information about airplane crashes and the...

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Can Plane Crash Survivors Get a Settlement?

Traveling by plane has become commonplace among many Californians for the ease and convenience of long-distance travel. Though statistics support airplane travel to be relatively safe, occasional aviation accidents do occur and raise concerns among air passengers.   

California airplane accident attorneys...

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View of Airplane's Wings on Sunset

Is The 737Max Safe To Fly?

Boeing is expected to face significant legal liability because of the issues related to the 737 Max 8 airplanes. Lawsuits by families who lost loved ones in airplane crashes and airlines who have lost significant revenue from the grounding of the 737 Max 8 planes could cripple the airplane manufacturer. Boeing...

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Airplane Crashes into California Freeway

“Courage is being scared to death…and saddling up anyway” ~ John Wayne

People often try to get the attention of firefighters in an emergency situation, sometimes by screaming and waving their arms. One desperate person who was moments from disaster did so by tapping the firefighter’s moving car –...

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When Planes Fall

As a driver in Northern or Southern California, you might swerve to avoid a collision from another car, but did you ever think you could collide with a plane?  This occurred on Interstate 15 North, in Fallbrook, near San Diego, when a small plane crashed into a Nissan.  At approximately nine in the morning,...
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Deadly Plane Accidents & Unknown Causes

Relatives and friends are mourning the deaths of those lost in a devastating plane crash that recently occurred at an airport in Northern California.  Four individuals were involved in the collision, including the Kruetzfeldts and the Chandlers—both couples were residents of Sonora, California.  The passengers on board were relatives of one another, including...
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