Anaheim Pedestrian Accident Attorney

traffic light for pedestrians in AnaheimAnaheim is connected to the rest of California by a complicated system of thoroughfares that can be hazardous to pedestrians. While pedestrians always have the right of way in the state, negligent or reckless drivers are the leading cause of pedestrian accidents that often result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities. If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident in Anaheim, it takes a skilled personal injury attorney to protect your rights.

J&Y Law has extensive experience handling pedestrian accidents in Anaheim and throughout Orange County. We have in-depth knowledge of the applicable negligence and traffic safety laws and a well-earned reputation for being dedicated advocates of the injured. We know how to fight back against insurance companies that put profits ahead of injury victims and will work tirelessly to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of a Pedestrian Accident in Anaheim

Pedestrian accidents in Anaheim are the usually result of driver errors, including:

  • Distracted driving
  • Failure to yield
  • Failure to obey traffic signals
  • Speeding
  • Driving under the influence

Although pedestrians always have the right of way in Orange County, they are expected to exercise reasonable care for their own safety. Pedestrians can contribute to the cause of their injuries by ignoring the “walk” at a traffic light, for instance, failing to use marked crosswalks, or running into the street. It is worth noting that a pedestrian who contributes to an accident may see the amount of his or her recoverable damages reduced under the state’s rules of comparative negligence.

As an example, the court may find a driver who failed to yield to a pedestrian 80 percent liable for the accident if the pedestrian crossed the street against a traffic signal. The pedestrian will be assigned 20 percent liability. Therefore, if the amount of the damages was determined to be $10,000, the total award to plaintiff would be $8,000. This is why it is essential to work with an astute personal injury attorney — one who knows how to prove a driver’s negligence in a pedestrian accident.

Common Injuries

Pedestrian accidents in Anaheim often result in all types of injuries ranging from cuts, bruises and broken bones to traumatic brain injuries, loss of limbs, and wrongful death. A person who is severely injured in a pedestrian accident in Orange County may even require lifelong medical care, which can become an emotional and financial burden for his or her family. At J&Y Law, we can help to lift those burdens by helping you obtain compensation that considers all of your future financial and medical needs.

Proving Negligence in a Pedestrian Accident in Anaheim

Our experienced attorneys know how to ascertain the factors that may have been involved in your pedestrian accident in Orange County:

  • Was the pedestrian in a crosswalk?
  • Was the traffic light for the driver green, yellow or red?
  • How fast was the driver traveling?
  • Was visibility limited due to sun glare, rain or fog?
  • What time of day did the accident occur — dawn, daytime, dusk or night?

Depending on the circumstances, we may call upon a team of accident reconstruction specialists to collect evidence that demonstrates the driver’s fault and the extent of his or her liability.

What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident in Anaheim

After a pedestrian accident in Orange County, the first thing to do is remain calm, immediately call the police and seek medical treatment — even if you don’t think you’ve been injured. Not only will the police report serve as valuable evidence in your injury claim, failing to seek medical treatment may weaken your case and interfere with your ability to recover damages.

Also, exchange contact and insurance information with the at-fault driver, and take pictures of the accident scene, the vehicle, traffic signs, and your injuries. If you cannot perform these tasks, ask someone for assistance. Once you have received treatment and begin to recover, call J&Y. We will handle all the details of your case and represent you in all dealings with the other party’s insurance company. Remember: never speak to a claims adjuster or anyone else from an insurer before you have contacted an attorney.

Why Call J&Y Law?

At J&Y Law, we are committed to making the roads and highways in Orange County safer for everyone. If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident in Anaheim, we can help. We have a proven track record of achieving successful outcomes in pedestrian accident claims. While we prefer to reach negotiated settlements in personal injury cases, we are fully prepared to litigate any matter, if that is in your best interests.

How much is my claim worth?

Although each case is unique, you may be entitled to economic and noneconomic damages. The former cover lost wages, medical expenses, property damage and similar losses while the latter will compensate you for pain and suffering, physical disabilities and loss of enjoyment of life. If the driver’s conduct was reckless or malicious, such as driving under the influence, punitive damages may also be awarded. Such damages are designed to punish the responsible party’s misconduct as well as to deter others from engaging in similar behavior.

Contact Our Anaheim Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

At J&Y Law, we handle all pedestrian accident cases on a contingency basis, which means you will not pay any attorneys fees until we win your case. Our legal team will offer you knowledge, compassion, and aggressive legal representation. Call our office today or complete the online contact form to set up a consultation.