How much do you charge?
What is personal injury?
Personal injury is defined as an accident causing bodily injury that is caused by another person’s negligence. Personal injuries may result from a range of accidents. For instance, they may result from motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall accidents, dog bite accidents, intentional injury accidents, plane accidents, bus accidents or construction accidents, among other accidents. In addition, medical malpractice, defective products or contamination fall under the personal injury category.
Why do I need an attorney?
You need an attorney in order to preserve your rights and make sure that you receive just compensation for your injuries that arose out of your accident. Although insurance companies, even your own, may act nice and cooperative in the beginning, without an attorney, you won’t receive the maximum settlement for your claim. They will try to discount your medical expenses and “nickel and dime” you. After all, they’re only concerned with one thing: paying out the least amount of money possible. Many of our clients have tried to handle their own claims, even after a free consultation from us, and ultimately ended up hiring us to handle their claim.
If you were injured at the fault of someone else, you deserve fair compensation. Contact J&Y to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney who will fight for you. Time is very important in personal injury lawsuits, so don’t wait. Take the first step right now by calling 877-426-6580 to get started. You’ve already been through enough stress with your personal injury. Stop worrying about medical bills, car/property damage, and loss of wages on top of legal paperwork. Get J&Y on your side today.
What’s my case worth?
At J&Y, we strive to be honest with our clients about all aspects of their claims. At the outset of any claim, it is impossible to determine the value of one’s case given the number of unknown variables. Even giving an estimate wouldn’t be honest and truthful. However, as the claim progresses, we will be able to better evaluate the value of your claim as certain unknowns become known. The value of your personal injury lawsuit will depend on the details of how you received the injuries, the extent of your injuries, the ability to prove your injuries and the extent of insurance company negotiation. Please contact us for a free consultation to discuss your case in detail.
Should I only hire an attorney if I want to or need to file a lawsuit?
What types of compensation am I entitled to as a result of my personal injury?
How long will it take to recover damages? How long will the case take?
What kind of coverages do I have under my auto insurance policy?
1) Liability: coverage to protect against claims alleging that one’s negligence or inappropriate action resulted in bodily injury or property damage.2) Collision: coverage for an insured’s vehicle that is involved in an accident, subject to a deductible. This coverage is designed to provide payments to repair the damaged vehicle, or payment of the cash value of the vehicle if it is not repairable (totaled). Collision coverage is optional; however if you plan on financing a car or taking a car loan, the lender will usually insist you carry collision for the finance term or until the insured’s car is paid off. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) is the term used by rental car companies for collision coverage.3) Comprehensive: provides coverage, subject to a deductible, for an insured’s vehicle that is damaged by incidents that are not considered Collisions. For example, fire, theft (or attempted theft), vandalism, weather, or impacts with animals are types of Comprehensive losses.4) Uninsured Motorist/Underinsured Motorist coverage: also known as UM/UIM, provides coverage if an at-fault party either does not have insurance, or does not have enough insurance under their policy limits to cover your damages. This coverage is often overlooked, but it is very important. According to the Insurance Research Council, almost 20 percent of California motorists do not have any insurance, making California the seventh-highest state in the nation when it comes to uninsured motorists. Unfortunately, this number goes up significantly during recessions. Uninsured motorist coverage (UM) and underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) is coverage you buy from your own insurance company. It pays for your past and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of earnings, and your property damage. The best thing about it is that it covers both you and your passengers, and it covers you whether you are a driver, passenger, or pedestrian. It’s very comprehensive and will cover you and your loved ones in most cases. And it shouldn’t cost much more than you already pay if you don’t have it on your policy. California law does not require that you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, but it is definitely something your insurance policy should have. If you do not have uninsured motorist coverage and get into an accident caused by an uninsured motorist, then you’re most likely going to have to pay for your damages (i.e. medical expenses, car repairs, rental car bill, etc.) out of your own pocket.5) Loss of Use: Also known as rental coverage, provides reimbursement for rental expenses associated with having an insured vehicle repaired due to a covered loss.6) GAP Insurance: Also known as Loan/lease payoff coverage, or GAP coverage, was established in the early 1980s to provide protection to consumers based upon buying and market trends. Due to the sharp decline in value immediately following purchase, there is generally a period in which the amount owed on the car loan exceeds the value of the vehicle, which is called “upside-down” or negative equity. Thus, if the vehicle is damaged beyond economical repair at this point, the owner will still owe potentially thousands of dollars on the loan. The escalating price of cars, longer-term auto loans, and the increasing popularity of leasing gave birth to GAP protection. GAP waivers provide protection for consumers when a “gap” exists between the actual value of their vehicle and the amount of money owed to the bank or leasing company. In many instances, this insurance will also pay the deductible on the primary insurance policy. These policies are often offered at auto dealerships as a comparatively low cost add-on to the car loan that provides coverage for the duration of the loan. GAP Insurance does not always pay off the full loan value however. These cases include but are not limited to: 1. Any unpaid delinquent payments due at the time of loss; 2. Payment deferrals or extensions (commonly called skips or skip a payment); 3. Refinancing of the vehicle loan after the policy was purchased; or 4. Late fees or other administrative fees assessed after loan commencement. Therefore, it is important for a policy holder to understand that they may still owe on the loan even though the GAP policy was purchased. Failure to understand this can result in the lender continuing their legal remedies to collect the balance and the potential of damaged credit.7) Towing coverage is also known as Roadside Assistance coverage, covers the cost of a tow that is related to an accident.8) Personal Property: Personal items in a vehicle that are damaged due to an accident are not covered under an automobile insurance policy. Any type of property that is not attached to the vehicle should be claimed under a homeowners or renters policy. However, some insurance companies will cover unattached GPS devices intended for automobile use.
Do personal injury cases have to go to court?
How does my insurance company calculate an initial offer?
I was involved in a car accident. Who determines who is at fault for the accident?
What do I do if the other party asks for my medical records?
Is it necessary that I see a doctor following an accident?
What if the accident was partly my fault?
What if the police report puts me at fault?
Do you make house calls?
If I am involved in a motorcycle accident, what kind of compensation is possible?
What are some signs of “unsafe” premises or “unreasonable” maintenance?
How is fault determined in a slip and fall accident?
Who investigates plane accidents?
Regarding plane accident litigation, what does “statute of repose” mean?
What should I expect following a plane accident?
Why would I need an attorney?
What can cause a boat accident?
When is an official accident report required?
What about alcohol?
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What Evidence Do I Need to Collect After a Personal Injury Incident?
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What Is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases in California?
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Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
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