Man putting money into a piggy bank

Compensatory Damages in a Personal Injury Case

What are compensatory damages in a California personal injury case?

Compensatory damages in a California personal injury case are meant to compensate the injured party for the harm they have suffered as a result of someone else's negligence or intentional conduct. The purpose is to restore the injured party,...

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Tips for Taking Photographs After a Car Accident

California personal injury attorneys find accident photos and videos particularly helpful in supporting legal claims for damages. By following some tips for taking pictures after an accident, you will have solid photographic evidence to corroborate your version of events and against the other party.

Photos and videos obtained after...

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Judge hitting the mallet

Punitive Damages in a Personal Injury Case

What are punitive damages?

Punitive damages, also known as exemplary damages, are not intended to compensate the plaintiff for their losses. Instead, they are meant to punish the defendant for particularly egregious or reprehensible behavior and deter similar conduct in the future.

In California, punitive damages...

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ridesharing services

Leading Causes of Rideshare Accidents

People might find using rideshare services to be convenient, but they might be surprised at how many risk factors are unique to rideshare trips. This blog will discuss the leading causes of rideshare accidents to help you try to avoid these situations.

No matter how diligent a person is,...

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Woman crying near water

Pain and Suffering Damages in a Personal Injury Case

When you experience a personal injury, the physical pain and emotional suffering can be overwhelming. In addition to medical expenses and lost wages, the legal concept of pain and suffering recognizes the non-economic damages you endure. This blog will explore what pain and suffering entail in a personal injury case, the relevant...

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Crossing fingers in good faith.

What is California’s Bad Faith Insurance Law?

California's bad faith insurance law refers to the legal principles that hold insurance companies accountable for failing to act fairly and honestly toward their policyholders. It is based on the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, which is part of every insurance contract in California.

Under California...

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social media on phone

How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case

Many people do not realize the danger their social media accounts can pose to their personal injury cases. We tend to compartmentalize our lives into personal versus business or professional matters. However, when you have a personal injury case pending, the defendant and their insurance company could use what you post on...

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Woman wiping tears as she speaks to her lawyer.

Can I Sue Someone If They Gave Me Herpes?

In California, you may be able to sue someone if you contract herpes from them and can prove they were the source of your infection. The grounds for your lawsuit will depend on specific factors, such as whether the person was or should have been aware of their infection, the consensual nature...

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Are Older Cars Safer Than Newer Cars?

It is well known that corporate cost-cutting strategies have lowered the quality of many products and services over the years, but have concepts such as “obsoletion-by-design” (aka, “Planned obsolescence“), “shrinkflation” and “the substitution effect” had any impact on the safety of modern cars? Is it possible that modern vehicles are actually less...

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Can Brain Injury Change a Person’s Behavior?

A traumatic brain injury or TBI can result from an accident or other incident that results in personal injury. Depending on the specific brain injury, a person can suffer immediate physical and cognitive damage. Regardless of how long these injuries take to appear, these injuries can represent a traumatic event for those...

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Product recall claims

Product Recall Accidents

Product recall accidents can happen at any time, and they can result in serious injuries or even death. When a product is defective or dangerous, the manufacturer or distributor may issue a recall to protect consumers from harm. However, not all recalls are successful, and some products may still be sold...

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