workers loading commercial truck

Dangers of Overloaded Trucks in California

Crashes involving tractor-trailers tend to have far more serious injuries and loss of life than collisions involving only passenger vehicles. Large trucks have physics working against them because they are larger and heavier than cars. When you add overloaded trucks to the mix, you have an even greater risk of an undesirable...

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man waiting for rideshare vehicle

How Much Is My Rideshare Claim Worth?

Are you wondering how much your rideshare accident claim is worth? After all, these accidents can be complicated, and the legal process may seem daunting. Knowing what to expect regarding compensation for a rideshare accident is essential, so let's take a closer look at understanding liability in such cases and filing an...

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4 Things to Know About Dog Bite Accidents

Approximately 4.5 million cases of dog bites are reported in the United States each year, with the majority occurring in California. While it is common to find that these do not result in serious physical injuries, the emotional trauma resulting from the attack tends to be long lasting. When dealing with...

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What are the most common pedestrian hazards?

Given the high number of automobiles on California highways, as well as the traffic hazards they bring, it is not entirely surprising that the state of California is faced with an unfortunately high number of pedestrian injuries and fatalities. According to recent data, the state has seen an annual increase in traffic...

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