Money and masks to represent medical bills

Recovering Medical Expenses in a Personal Injury Case

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By Yosi Yahoudai
Founder and Managing Partner

When you experience a personal injury, the physical pain and emotional distress are often accompanied by a financial burden in the form of medical bills. Medical bills encompass the costs incurred for the necessary medical treatment, services, and supplies required to aid in your recovery. From hospital stays and surgeries to doctor visits, medications, and diagnostic tests, these expenses can quickly accumulate, leaving you with mounting bills and financial stress. At J&Y Law Firm, we understand the impact of medical bills on your personal injury case, and we are here to help. In this blog, we will explore what medical bills entail, discuss any relevant regulations surrounding them, and provide insights into how medical bills and expenses can be covered in a personal injury case

What are Medical Expenses?

Medical expenses or bills refer to the charges incurred for medical treatment, services, and supplies received by an individual as a result of a personal injury. These bills encompass a wide range of expenses, including:

  1. Hospitalization Costs: This includes charges for emergency room visits, surgeries, overnight stays, diagnostic tests, and other hospital-related services.
  2. Doctor’s Visits: Expenses related to consultations, examinations, follow-up visits, specialist appointments, and any necessary medical procedures
  3. Medications and Prescriptions: Costs for prescribed medications, pain management drugs, and any other necessary medications.
  4. Rehabilitation and Therapy: Expenses associated with physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic care, and other forms of rehabilitative treatment.
  5. Diagnostic Tests: Charges for X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, blood tests, and other diagnostic procedures performed to assess the extent of injuries.
  6. Assistive Devices: Costs for mobility aids, prosthetics, orthotics, wheelchairs, crutches, and other devices required for recovery or long-term assistance.
  7. Home Care Services: Expenses related to in-home nursing care, medical equipment rental, home modifications, and any necessary home healthcare services.

Are There Any Relevant Regulations?

While there are no specific regulations governing medical bills in personal injury cases, there are important legal considerations to keep in mind:


Establishing liability is a fundamental aspect of a personal injury case, determining who should be held responsible for the resulting harm and medical bills. Liability is often established through the concept of negligence, which requires proving that the responsible party failed to exercise reasonable care, resulting in injury or harm to another person. For example, in a car accident case, the liable party may be the driver who was texting while driving, demonstrating negligence by failing to pay attention to the road.

In some instances, liability can be established without proving negligence through the concept of strict liability. Strict liability applies in cases where a person or entity is automatically held responsible for harm caused, regardless of fault or intent. This is often the case in product liability claims, where the manufacturer can be held liable for injuries caused by a defective product. Regardless of the specific circumstances, proving liability is essential in a personal injury case to hold the responsible party accountable and seek compensation for medical bills and other damages.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage plays a significant role in personal injury cases, especially when it comes to medical bills. Depending on the circumstances of the accident or incident, different types of insurance coverage may come into play. For example, if you were involved in a car accident, your own auto insurance policy might provide coverage through personal injury protection (PIP) or medical payment (MedPay) coverage. These coverages can help pay for medical bills and related expenses, regardless of fault. However, the specific coverage and limits will depend on the terms of your policy. It is essential to review your insurance policy and understand the coverage you have available.

Additionally, if another party is responsible for your injury, their liability insurance may also provide coverage for your medical bills. Our experienced personal injury attorneys can assess the available insurance coverage, determine the responsible parties, and guide you through the process of filing claims to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation possible for your medical expenses.


Subrogation is a legal process that allows a third party, such as a health insurance provider or government program, to seek reimbursement for medical bills they have paid on your behalf from any settlement or compensation you receive in a personal injury case. It is important to understand the implications of subrogation because it can significantly impact the amount of money you ultimately receive for your medical bills.

When you have health insurance coverage or receive benefits from government programs like Medicare or Medicaid, these entities may have a right of subrogation. This means that if they have paid for your medical bills related to the injury, they may seek reimbursement for those expenses out of any settlement or judgment you receive from the responsible party or their insurance company.

The purpose of subrogation is to prevent “double recovery” for the same expenses. If you were compensated for medical bills twice—once by the at-fault party’s insurance and again by your health insurance provider—it would be considered unfair and result in unjust enrichment.

In a personal injury case, your attorney will work to negotiate with the subrogation entity to potentially reduce the amount they are entitled to recover. This negotiation process can be complex, as various factors are taken into consideration, such as the extent of your injuries, the number of medical bills paid, and the overall settlement or judgment amount. Your attorney’s goal is to maximize the compensation you receive for your medical bills while ensuring that the subrogation entity is reimbursed appropriately.

Do my medical bills or expenses get covered in a personal injury case?

In a personal injury case, pursuing compensation for medical bills and expenses is a fundamental aspect. If your injury resulted from someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may be entitled to seek reimbursement for the full extent of your medical bills and related expenses. This includes both current and future medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, necessary medications, assistive devices, and any other reasonable and necessary medical expenses resulting from the injury.

To ensure your medical bills and expenses are covered adequately, it is crucial to gather and retain all relevant documentation, such as medical records, bills, receipts, and proof of payment. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney can greatly assist in navigating the legal process, negotiating with insurance companies, and maximizing your compensation for medical bills.

In a personal injury case, the burden of medical bills and expenses should not fall on the injured individual alone. By understanding what medical bills entail, considering relevant regulations, and seeking professional legal guidance, you can increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your medical costs. If you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury, don’t hesitate to consult with our reputable personal injury attorneys who can advocate for your rights, help you navigate the complex legal landscape, and work towards securing the compensation you deserve.

This page was written with the assistance of artificial intelligence software but was reviewed for accuracy and approved by attorney Yosi Yahoudai, Esq.

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About the Author
Yosi Yahoudai is a founder and the managing partner of J&Y. His practice is comprised primarily of cases involving automobile and motorcycle accidents, but he also represents people in premises liability lawsuits, including suits alleging dangerous conditions of public property, third-party criminal conduct, and intentional torts. He also has expertise in cases involving product defects, dog bites, elder abuse, and sexual assault. He earned his Bachelor of Arts from the University of California and is admitted to practice in all California State Courts, and the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. If you have any questions about this article, you can contact Yosi by clicking here.