Los Angeles Ridesharing Sexual Assault Lawyer

Rideshare companies perform criminal background checks on prospective drivers to ensure passenger safety, but rideshare assault is not uncommon. If you or a loved one has been sexually assaulted by a rideshare driver, you have a right to file a lawsuit to recover compensation. This is the time to call a dedicated Los Angeles personal injury and ridesharing attorney

At J&Y Law, we are currently handling injury cases on behalf of rideshare passengers who have been sexually assaulted. While rideshare companies pitch their services as a safe and convenient alternative to public transportation, thousands of passengers have reported being assaulted in recent years. 

If you have been sexually assaulted while traveling as a rideshare passenger, it is crucial to seek medical attention and report the assault to both law enforcement and the rideshare company. Once you regain your bearings, contact our office so we can get to work immediately. Rest assured, we will work to hold both the alleged assailant and the rideshare company accountable through a civil lawsuit, regardless of whether criminal charges are filed or the perpetrator is convicted.

When you consult with us, we will provide you with a safe environment in which you can make informed decisions about the way forward. Contact our office today to discuss your case in confidence.

Representing Ridesharing Sexual Assault Victims in Injury Claims

Sexual assault is generally defined as sexual contact by another without consent. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), hundreds of thousands of adults are sexually assaulted each year, some of which are related to ridesharing. Forms of sexual assault include:

  • Attempted rape
  • Unwanted sexual touching (fondling)
  • Forcing a victim to perform sex acts
  • Forcible penetration of the victim’s body (rape)

Women are more likely to be victims of sexual violence than men. According to the CDC, nearly 1 in 5 women have experienced rape or attempted rape in their lifetime, compared to 1 in 38 men. Regardless of the victim’s gender or sexual identity, sexual assault is a crime, and it is never the victim’s fault. 

Sexual Assaults Reported To Uber

According to Uber’s U.S. Safety Report for 2017 and 2018, there were 5,981 alleged sexual assaults reported during those two years. The allegations included:

  • Non-consensual kissing of a nonsexual body part
  • Attempted non-consensual sexual penetration
  • Non-consensual touching of a sexual body part
  • Non-consensual kissing of a sexual body part
  • Non-consensual sexual penetration

Sexual Assaults Reported To Lyft

Lyft released its safety report in 2021 for the period 2017-2019:

  • More than 4,000 incidents of sexual assault during this time period
  • Reports of sexual assault increased from around 1,100 in 2017 to nearly 1800 in 2019 

More than half of the assaults in 2019 were “non-consensual touching of a sexual body part” and another 156 involved non-consensual sexual penetration, according to the report.

Although the number of rideshare sexual assaults is a small percentage of the total number of rideshare trips each year in California and around the country, one assault is too many. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted on a rideshare trip, we will provide you with compassionate representation and help you obtain just compensation. 

Factors Involved In Rideshare Assaults

While the assailant must be held accountable, factors that contribute to rideshare sexual assaults include:

  • Limited background checks – Rideshare companies conduct criminal background checks do not fingerprint or drug test driver applicants
  • Lack of training – Drivers only need to be licensed one year at a time of hire and do not receive training
  • Fake driver accounts – Drivers have created false accounts that were not detected due to inadequate screening by rideshare companies

Regardless of these factors, rideshare sexual assault is a criminal offense; both the driver and the rideshare company can be held civilly liable. 

How J&Y Law Can Help With Rideshare Sexual Assault

Our experienced attorneys will work to protect your rights and well-being through a personal  injury claim regardless of the outcome of any criminal proceedings. Your assailant may be held directly liable for his or her actions after rideshare sexual assault and the rideshare company may also face liability for:

  • Negligent hiring
  • Negligent supervision
  • Negligent retention
  • Negligent infliction of emotional distress

Notably, the burden of proof is far lower in a civil claim than in a criminal case where the defendant must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil claim, the burden is by a “preponderance of the evidence” – it is “more likely than not” that the defendant did in fact assault the victim. In any event, the rideshare company can be held liable for negligence for not taking steps to prevent the assault. Also, rideshare companies in California can no longer avoid liability by claiming their drivers are independent contractors. 

Trust J&Y Law to hold both parties liable and get you just compensation. Our legal team will handle all the details of your claim, including:

  • Investigating the rideshare assault allegations
  • Obtaining and reviewing the police report
  • Subpoenaing records of the complaint from the rideshare company
  • Subpoenaing the driver’s app, GPS device, and any onboard video surveillance
  • Interviewing any witnesses, including the alleged assailant
  • Negotiating a  settlement with the rideshare company and its attorneys
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit if necessary

Above all, we will fight to help you obtain the maximum compensation you need and deserve, whether through negotiation or litigation. 

Contact An Experienced Rideshare Assault Injury Attorney Today

If you or someone you know has been the victim of a rideshare assault, you may be petrified and not know what to do. Remember, J&Y Law is here to help. Rest assured, we will provide you with compassionate representation and caring personal service and protect your rights and your future. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.