Experienced Victorville Personal Injury Attorneys

J&Y Law Firm Victorville
15437 Anacapa Rd
Victorville, CA 92392

Victorville, California, located in the Mojave Desert, has an interesting history. Before modern times, the region was inhabited by a Native American tribe known as the Serranos. These indigenous people were skilled artists who created the beautiful local rock art known as petroglyphs in the surrounding desert. The Serranos were also part of Victorville’s odd history in regard to travel.

Though the tribe did not even have horses before the arrival of Spanish settlers, they are known to have traveled as much as 40 miles on foot in a single day! Many years later, when the population had expanded considerably, the city of Victorville was named after Jacob Nash Victor — a man who had an entirely different connection to transportation. Victor was a railroad pioneer whose primary contribution to the city named after him and the country at large was completing the second transcontinental railroad in the United States by establishing the Santa Fe Pacific coast terminal.

Present-day Victorville residents, like other U.S. citizens, have a wide variety of methods of transportation available to them. With the convenience and speed of cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes, however, comes the inevitability of accidents. With accidents, unfortunately, come injuries, and with injuries the need for personal injury attorneys. J&Y Law, a professional law corporation of personal injury attorneys, has a fine reputation throughout California. One of our 21 California offices is located right here in Victorville, located at 15437 Anacapa Road.

Serving Victorville’s Injured

At J&Y Law we cover all types of personal injury cases; cases involving train accidents are just being used here as an illustrative example of the type of caring, responsible service we provide. In Victorville, as in all our offices, we work on a contingency basis, meaning that you will not be charged a fee until we win your case. The wide range of personal injury cases we handle includes:

How common are train accidents?

While train travel is considered a safe form of travel, a train accident can result in a much higher number of injuries and/or fatalities than a typical traffic accident. Between 2007 and 2016 there were just over 1,000 train accidents in California alone. For those who commute by train, work on the railroad, or frequently travel by train for other reasons, the possibility of a train accident is all too real. Unfortunately, because trains travel at high rates of speed and have to stay on the tracks to remain stable, many of those injured in train accidents not only suffer serious injuries, but often catastrophic ones. And, as we all know, for every person injured or killed in a train accident, a great many other lives are affected.

If you have been injured, or lost a loved one, in a train accident, you are well aware of how devastating the event can be — physically, emotionally, and financially. Medical bills, possible funeral costs, lost wages (present and future), rehabilitation, and psychological counseling add up quickly and can easily derail the lifestyle and future plans of your family. This is where J&Y Law personal injury attorneys can provide invaluable assistance. Knowing the complexities of the law, and having excellent skills for both negotiation and litigation, we are able to assist you in receiving the monetary compensation you deserve. You will also be relieved to find that we are compassionate and caring as well as competent, eager to support you and your family as you move forward.

Reasons for Train Accidents

There are a number of reasons for railroad accidents, including:

  • Conductor error
  • Inspection violations
  • Maintenance failures
  • Mechanical failure
  • Objects on the tracks
  • Improperly protected railroad crossings

Because personal injury claims are based on the negligence of another that causes you harm, any of the above may provide you an avenue for obtaining compensation. You may also have a viable personal injury claim against the railroad if you have been injured while boarding or leaving the vehicle (think of “the gap”) or due to a poorly maintained platform. In addition to passengers, pedestrians and occupants of other vehicles may hold the railroad responsible not only for collisions involving trains, but for cargo spills.

How J&Y Law Firm Can Help You

At J&Y Law, we are all too aware of the ongoing difficulties faced by victims of train accidents. You may be facing ongoing disability in the future in addition to the physical pain and emotional distress you are currently experiencing. Here in our Victorville office we are available to advise and support you. Beyond being talented negotiators, we are highly competent and experienced litigators. If we are unable to win you an appropriate settlement, we are fully prepared to bring your case to court. J&Y Law has the resources to gather evidence, talk to eyewitnesses, and, if necessary, bring in technical and/or medical experts to testify on your behalf. We are committed to fighting vigorously for your rights and to helping you obtain the most substantial compensation possible.

If you are the victim of a train accident, or have a case involving any type of personal injury caused by someone else’s negligence, please contact J&Y Law by using the form on our website or by calling 442.224.9194.