Palm Springs Personal Injury Attorney

J&Y Law Firm Palm Springs
1775 E Palm Canyon Dr. Suite 110-1060
Palm Springs, CA 92264

Serving Accident Victims Throughout Palm Springs

It is no wonder Palm Springs, California attracts so many tourists. A city in the Sonoran Desert, it boasts spectacular natural wonders, cultural and recreational centers, not to mention the largest rotating aerial tramway in the world!  Known for its hot springs, lovely hotels, various museums, golf courses, spas, hiking, biking, and horseback riding trails, Palm Springs is also home to Living Desert Zoo and Gardens with its 1,000 acres of desert ecosystem, two Waterparks, gorgeous Tahquitz Canyon that has been continually inhabited for at least 2,000 years by Cahuilla Native Americans. Unfortunately, personal injuries due to the negligence of another occur even in exquisite surroundings, especially when such surroundings provide so many opportunities for activities and adventure. It’s a good thing, therefore, that J&Y Law, a comprehensive personal injury practice with offices throughout California, has a branch office in Palm Springs.

Our attorneys are well-prepared to handle all types of personal injury cases, including:

We also have the advantage of being able to network with our colleagues in offices in other parts of California in order to tap into one another’s areas of specialization. We are all experienced litigators as well as skilled negotiators, so you can be sure when you come to J&Y that we will recover the compensation you deserve whether through negotiated settlement or a court verdict. In order to clarify our thorough and effective methods, we have chosen to illustrate our approach to personal injury cases by using slip and fall accidents as an example.

The Need for a Knowledgeable Palm Springs Attorney

Slip and falls can occur anywhere — on a neighbor’s broken step, at the grocery store, in the mall, at the theatre or in a museum — due to a wet or otherwise slippery surface, a broken tile, or an unexpected obstacle. For older people, such falls are more likely to cause serious injury or even death. Younger adults and children, however, who generally have better balance and coordination than their elders, are more prone to be adventurous, and are therefore more likely to be injured on a hiking trail with a defective bridge or on a poorly maintained waterslide.

Because it is frequently difficult to prove fault, a necessary component of any personal injury lawsuit, it is crucial that you consult with one of our highly competent attorneys before taking any further action. We know the ropes and will, for example, accumulate evidence, such as photographs of the site of the accident, before the property owner hurries to repair the problem. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we will be able to round up and interview witnesses, establish timelines and compile police and/or medical reports. Furthermore, by meeting with one of our knowledgeable attorneys you can ensure that you have a viable case. Since we work on a contingency basis, only charging you a fee if we win your case, we will only file a suit on your behalf if we feel certain we will be successful.

Damages You Can Receive as a Result of Your Personal Injury

Depending on the severity of your slip and fall injury and on how much the other party contributed to the event, you may be entitled to reimbursement for:

  • Loss of present and future earning power
  • Medical, surgical, rehabilitative, and pharmaceutical costs
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Permanent disability and resulting necessary care

The above-mentioned damages are known as compensatory damages since they are conceived of as reparations for your injury. If the negligence of the property owner was particularly egregious, or your injury was extremely severe, you may also be awarded punitive damages. Punitive damages typically involve very large sums of money since they are designed both to punish the defendant and to prevent others from engaging in such reckless, life-threatening behavior.

Comparative Fault

Because California is a comparative fault state, the court may decide that you were partly responsible for your own injury. This will not keep you from being compensated, but will affect the amount of money you will receive. If you are determined to have contributed 25 percent to the accident (e.g. because your shoes were inappropriate for the surface or you were slightly intoxicated at the time), the damages awarded to you will be lessened by 25 percent.

Your Best Chance of Success is to Contact a Palm Springs Personal Injury Attorney

Personal injury lawsuits are not to be taken lightly. At J&Y we are well aware that you may develop more symptoms, or even require more surgery, long (even years) after the accident and may lose wages or develop disabilities that weren’t part of the original prognosis. This is why we will set our sights high, ensuring that your needs are covered well into the future. Contact us today by giving us a call or filling out a contact form on our website.