Top 4 Reasons Trains Derail

Train derailments and railroad crossing accidents can be deadly. Considering the sheer size of a train, the people it is carrying and the speed at which it moves, a derailment can cause serious injuries to passengers, damage to property and in the worst cases, can be fatal.


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Two professionals shake hands

Reckless Stunt Bikers on the Roadways

What is worse than a California motorcycle accident? A California motorcycle accident that was entirely preventable. Often in a motorcycle accident that involves a car, the relatively unprotected biker will suffer serious personal injury. If the accident was caused by the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of the other driver, the biker can pursue a...
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Yosi Yahoudai

Common Types of Car Accidents in California

When should you sue after a car accident? Millions of car accidents happen across the nation every year. Over 32,500 people are killed in car accidents annually, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and millions of others are injured. Car accidents can happen due to a wide variety of circumstances, but some scenarios...
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Best Attorneys of America

What Is Causing All of the Bicycle Accidents?

The University of Southern California reported recently on an alarming study released by the University of California San Francisco.  The study showed that over the past 17 years, bicycle accidents have cost America more than $237 BILLION, and that the cost of those accidents is only going up.  Some of the study’s most...
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Watch Out for Road Rage on California Roadways

How can I protect myself against drivers with road rage?

A shocking road rage incident caught on video highlights the immense dangers of enraged drivers on California highways nationwide.  Recently, motorists driving to work along the 14 Freeway in Santa Clarita spotted a motorcyclist and a silver sedan driving erratically.  A...

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From Beauty to Beast and Back?

Q: Can I sue for medical malpractice if a botched plastic surgery procedure cost me work opportunites?

The cosmetic surgery industry is booming in today’s selfie- driven society. But the industry’s biggest clients have traditionally been and will likely continue to be celebrities in entertainment industry--celebrities who are not...

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Text messaging while driving

California Takes on Texting While Driving

Why is it so dangerous to text and drive?

Any activity that diverts your attention away from driving, including texting, eating, or using your GPS, results in distracted driving.  Distracted driving is believed to kill over 3,477 people each year and injure another 390,000, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety...

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Airplane Crashes into California Freeway

“Courage is being scared to death…and saddling up anyway” ~ John Wayne

People often try to get the attention of firefighters in an emergency situation, sometimes by screaming and waving their arms. One desperate person who was moments from disaster did so by tapping the firefighter’s moving car –...

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What To Do Following a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents are no laughing matter. They can lead to serious injuries such as head trauma, broken or fractured bones, hip, knee and ankle injuries, muscle sprains and many others. These injuries lead to high medical expenses, lost income following days away from work, incapacitation or permanent disability.

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