Defamation Law Book.

What Can I Do if I’ve Been Defamed?

When most people think of personal injury, they think of a physical injury. An intentional injury to your reputation is also a personal injury, however, even if it does not result in physical harm to your person. If you have been defamed, you have the option of seeking damages against...

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Dog Attacking a person's hand

Liability and Recovery for Dog Bite Injuries

One of the benefits of California’s warm climate is that it allows Californians to be physically active outdoors year-round. While this is one of many upsides to California life, one of the downsides of outdoor fitness is dog bite injuries. Recently, the greater Los Angeles area was named

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A woman and a man on a tour bus pointing out different sites.

Can I Sue a Tour Company if I am Injured on Vacation?

Summer is the season for vacations, and booking a vacation through a tour company is an extremely popular form of vacationing without the hassle of planning. When planning a vacation, most people focus on the positive: the Instagram pictures they’ll post, activities they’ll do, and food they’ll eat. Nobody thinks about...

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Traffic light with a walking signal.

Self-Driving Cars and Pedestrian Injuries

In March 2018, one of Uber’s experimental self-driving cars struck and killed a pedestrian in Arizona. While this was the first fatal accident of its kind, many companies, including Uber, Tesla, and Google, are investing in self-driving car technology.

What Happened With the Uber Accident?


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car crash with bicycle on road

Bike Collision Accidents

Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that, in 2015, more than 1,000 bicyclists died while bicycling.  2015 data from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that 818 of these were bicyclists killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes, and that this marked a roughly twelve percent increase from...
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nail polish being applied to a lady's finger nails

San Diego Nail Salon Crash

Can I sue for personal injury if I get hit by a car while inside of a building? Some people drive to the nail salon in a panic over a broken nail. Others drive through the nail salon, causing panic and injuries in the wake of the car accident. Apparently, it’s not enough to worry about...
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Car hits bicycle

Bicyclist hit by Detective’s Vehicle

Chesterton, Indiana -- In the summer of 2014, Sheila Gonzalez was enjoying a bike ride with her children. As the family approached a busy intersection, Sheila was the first to cross. She thought there was enough time for her to pedal across the street. Unfortunately, there was not. Sheila...

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Fingers being adjusted into position while learning to play the guitar.

Fresno Music Teacher Goes Down on Bad Note

Can I sue a music school if its teacher molested my child? For parents, the safety of their children is the most important thing of all. Despite careful research and alleged safety measures in place, one set of parents made a choice that unwittingly placed their 11-year-old daughter in a position to be a
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