woman on peloton

Peloton Accidents: What You Need to Know

In April 2021, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released a video showing a young child getting pulled by his arms under a Peloton treadmill machine. Luckily, he managed to get untangled from the machine, but footage showed how hazardous the machine is for small children. In another incident, the Peloton treadmill...

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Settlement Factors in a Car Accident Case

The settlement value of your injury claim from a car accident will depend on multiple factors. There is no automatic amount that the insurance company of the at-fault driver will pay you. The amount you can pursue will depend on the facts of your situation.

A California personal...

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personal injury lawyer and client

Why Is Having a Personal Injury Lawyer Important?

Being injured in an accident or other situation can be an emotional and overwhelming experience. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you might require one or more surgeries, physical therapy, and other medical treatment to recover from the injuries. Your recovery could be lengthy, requiring you to miss time from work....

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brain injury scans

Can Brain Injury Change a Person’s Behavior?

A traumatic brain injury or TBI may occur because of an accident or other incident of personal injury. The immediate aftermath of a brain injury can be a traumatic experience. Depending on the specific brain injury, a person may sustain immediate physical and cognitive impairments. 

Some victims may sustain...

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Lawsuit document

How a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Works

Surviving family members or a deceased person’s estate can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the party whose wrongful act or failure to act caused the death of a close relative. If your loved one met an untimely death because of someone’s wrongful or illegal negligent, reckless, or intentional act, you might...

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