How to handle truck accidents in bad weather

Driving in bad weather is dangerous for any vehicle, but it is especially difficult for large commercial trucks that are difficult to maneuver and require a longer distance to stop.

If weather conditions become too dangerous, truckers have a legal duty to remain at a rest stop or postpone...

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What is legally understood as psychological injuries?

After suffering an accident or intentional act that results in injury, it is common to hear that injured people may be entitled to seek compensation for their physical injuries or damages. However, not all injuries resulting from an accident are physical; psychological injuries also occur.

A psychological injury is...

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Proving lost wages due to a personal injury

If you are injured in an accident, you will likely lose hours of work (and therefore money) due to the time you will spend in the hospital, attending medical appointments, and recovering. This means that you could be compensated not only for your injuries but for any lost wages that may result...

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truck in traffic

Understanding Jackknife Accidents

The last thing you want to see in your rearview mirror when on the highway is a tractor-trailer out of control behind you. Sometimes these big rigs go into uncontrolled skids, flip over, blow tires, or jackknife. This article will help you in understanding jackknife accidents.

Collisions involving 18-wheelers...

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How to make the most of a complimentary consultation

Facing legal complications can be an incredibly intimidating process. To help you decide your next steps, Champion Lawyers offers a courtesy first consultation. You may take this opportunity to obtain advice about your legal situation, discuss available options, and obtain estimates of the possible costs of any action.


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Common myths about elder abuse

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) reports that an estimated 5 million older Americans are victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation annually. Unfortunately, perceptions about elder abuse are usually inaccurate and based on myths; the most common myths being:

Myth #1: Elder abuse happens only in low-cost or...

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Lawsuit document

What is Res Ipsa Loquitor?

Real-life is not like the courtroom dramas you see on television. Sometimes, the facts of a case do not fall into place neatly. For example, in a personal injury case, causation can be a challenge to prove. The legal doctrine of res ipsa loquitor creates a rebuttable presumption that the defendant must...

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motorcycle riding along road

Motorcycle Licensing Requirements in California

There are few things in life more exhilarating than riding a motorcycle along the highways of California. Unfortunately, our California motorcycle accident attorneys see far too many injuries that could have been avoided, had the proper precautions been observed. Let’s take a look at some of the most recent statistics about...

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Car with deflated tire

How Defective Tires Can Cause Car Accidents

Having defective tires on your vehicle could cause you to lose control and crash into other cars or objects like trees or buildings. When defective tires fail, they usually do so suddenly and without warning. Since these road emergencies often happen at high speed, the collisions can cause catastrophic or fatal injuries.

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Personal Injury attorney going over legal documents with client

Guide to the Assumption of Risk Doctrine

Sometimes a defendant will raise the defense of “assumption of risk” to try to avoid liability when their negligence injures someone. California law can bar a plaintiff from recovering money damages in some situations under this doctrine, but it depends on the circumstances.

Assumption of the risk is a...

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