Pedestrian on a crosswalk

What are the Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?

California has the unfortunate distinction of some of the highest rates of pedestrian fatalities in the United States. Distracted driving, drunk driving, texting while driving, and other negligent behavior often cause these accidents. If you or someone you love was injured in a pedestrian accident, a California pedestrian accident attorney can help. 

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Motorcycle on the road

Who is at Fault in Most Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle accident victims deserve to receive fair compensation for their injuries. They can suffer head injuries, broken bones, back injuries, and property damage due to car accidents, unsafe road conditions, or collisions with stationary objects. Our California motorcycle attorney can help evaluate your case and seek fair compensation for your injuries.

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Person walking into the street

Injuries From Pedestrian vs Car Accidents

Accidents, whether on the road or with pedestrians, happen every day in the state of California. Although both pedestrians and drivers can be injured, pedestrians are at increased risk of more injuries because they are more physically exposed in the event of an accident. If you or a loved one has been...

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Personal injury attorney signing a document

What Are Economic Damages?

It can be difficult to understand the concept of economic damages, especially if you've never had to deal with them before. Simply put, economic damages are the losses you suffer due to an accident or injury. This may include medical expenses, lost wages, and other quantifiable costs associated with the accident. 

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What constitutes emotional damages?

The term emotional harm encompasses all those situations in which a person suffers physiological or psychological harm due to the negligent or intentional actions of an entity. These can be the mental repercussions of physical injuries (such as brain trauma causing memory lapses, insecurities caused by permanent scarring, or physical reactions resulting...

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Why do I need a lawyer for my case?

While the California courts allow anyone to take legal action on their own, as long as they are not acting as executor, trustee, or agent (all of whom must be represented by attorneys in court), this decision is highly discouraged. Many downplay the need to hire a personal injury attorney without realizing...

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Attorney signing legal document

What is Loss of Consortium?

If your partner or spouse has been injured in an accident, the effects of their injury can significantly impact your and your family. You may be entitled to a claim for compensation for these injuries you have also suffered. By consulting with a California personal injury attorney, you may find out you...

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