Psychological Responses to Injury

If you have been the victim of an accident or have been injured by an intentional act, nobody needs to tell you that physical injuries often leave emotional or psychological scars. What we can tell you, however, is that it is often possible to seek compensation for psychological conditions caused after an...

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How To Prove Lost Wages In A Car Accident Case

Suppose you have been injured in a car accident. In that case, you are likely experiencing increasing stress in your life due to numerous medical bills, damage to your property, and pain and suffering resulting from the incident. One of the biggest challenges for car accident victims is their inability to return...

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What constitutes emotional damages?

The term emotional harm encompasses all those situations in which a person suffers physiological or psychological harm due to the negligent or intentional actions of an entity. These can be the mental repercussions of physical injuries (such as brain trauma causing memory lapses, insecurities caused by permanent scarring, or physical reactions resulting...

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Why do I need a lawyer for my case?

While the California courts allow anyone to take legal action on their own, as long as they are not acting as executor, trustee, or agent (all of whom must be represented by attorneys in court), this decision is highly discouraged. Many downplay the need to hire a personal injury attorney without realizing...

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Auto accidents caused by fatigued drivers

Driving while drowsy, sleepy or fatigued represents an exponential increase in risks behind the wheel. According to a recent AAA report, a driver who sleeps just five to six hours a day doubles the risk of being involved in a serious traffic accident, compared to someone who had seven or more hours...

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Defining Common Personal Injury Terms

Facing a personal injury case is intimidating not only because of the risk of potential property loss, but also because of the lack of familiarity you may have with the legal terms related to your case. With this in mind, here is a list of terms that tend to be encountered as...

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Car accidents on roads under construction

Road construction accidents can be hazardous for both drivers and construction crew members. Drivers must pay close attention to work zone signs, including speed limits or potential road hazards, to avoid potential accidents and injuries. It is important to know how this type of situation is legally handled.


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