woman calling lawyer about personal injury

Slip and Falls: Tips you Need to Know

Slip and fall accidents injure far too many people every year and rob countless people of their mobility. If you got hurt in a slip and fall or trip and fall because of someone else’s negligence, you might be able to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses.

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Wet floor sign to prevent slip and fall injuries.

Unexpected Slip, Trip & Fall Injuries

Slips, trips & falls account for thousands of injuries each year. In some cases, a slip and fall injury can result in life-threatening injuries and death. In many cases, the person who falls did not expect to be injured when they entered the building or area. Our California...

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What To Do Following a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents are no laughing matter. They can lead to serious injuries such as head trauma, broken or fractured bones, hip, knee and ankle injuries, muscle sprains and many others. These injuries lead to high medical expenses, lost income following days away from work, incapacitation or permanent disability.

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California Parking Lot Slip and Falls

What should I do if I fall in a parking lot in California?

Parking lots and parking garages are a scattered across California.  These structures allow individuals to easily access businesses, office buildings, schools, airports, and retail establishments.  While parking lots and garages offer convenience, they can also present hazards to pedestrians....

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What is Your California Slip and Fall Case Worth?

What damages could I receive for my slip and fall related injuries?

Accidents involving slip and falls send millions of people to the hospital each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Slip, trip, and falls can result in a wide array of potentially serious injuries, including broken...

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