Woman wiping tears as she speaks to her lawyer.

Can I Sue Someone If They Gave Me Herpes?

In California, you may be able to sue someone if you contract herpes from them and can prove they were the source of your infection. The grounds for your lawsuit will depend on specific factors, such as whether the person was or should have been aware of their infection, the consensual nature...

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Close-up Of Sexual Harassment Complaint Form With Pen At Desk

CBS Les Moonves Case Keeps Employee Sexual Assault and Harassment Lawsuits in the News

More and more, we keep hearing about disheartening and horrifying claims of sexual harassment and assault, including incidents in the workplace. One newly detailed incident has received an extraordinary amount of attention: Les Moonves was recently fired as CBS’s longtime Chairman and CEO, and is currently facing at least twelve accusations of sexual misconduct,...
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Fingers being adjusted into position while learning to play the guitar.

Fresno Music Teacher Goes Down on Bad Note

Can I sue a music school if its teacher molested my child? For parents, the safety of their children is the most important thing of all. Despite careful research and alleged safety measures in place, one set of parents made a choice that unwittingly placed their 11-year-old daughter in a position to be a
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Sexual Assault Behind the Rehab Walls

Q: Who can I sue for sexual assault committed while I was a patient in an institution?

Sexual assault is “any type of sexual contact that is non-consensual, including inappropriate touching, rape or attempted rape, child molestation, incest, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and sexual harassment.” It can happen...

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New Law on College Sexual Harassment in California

Q: What do I do if I’m a victim of sexual assault, harassment, or discrimination at college? Before choosing a college, students and their parents undoubtedly weigh factors including reputation, the cost of tuition, financial aid, available majors, geographical location, and more. Those planning to live on campus may also address roommate compatibility and dorm...
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