pitbull being walked

Dog Bite Statistics by Breed

More than 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year. Studies have revealed that some dog breeds are more vicious than others.

Dog bites and attacks can cause traumatic injuries and wrongful deaths. California dog bite laws hold dog owners and other parties...

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4 Things to Know About Dog Bite Accidents

Approximately 4.5 million cases of dog bites are reported in the United States each year, with the majority occurring in California. While it is common to find that these do not result in serious physical injuries, the emotional trauma resulting from the attack tends to be long lasting. When dealing with...

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Dog Attacking a person's hand

Liability and Recovery for Dog Bite Injuries

One of the benefits of California’s warm climate is that it allows Californians to be physically active outdoors year-round. While this is one of many upsides to California life, one of the downsides of outdoor fitness is dog bite injuries. Recently, the greater Los Angeles area was named

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Former K9 Cop Mauled and Killed Neighbors

Q: Who is responsible when a former police dog bites?

Police officers protect and serve, and canine (“K-9”) officers are no exception. Trained to be vicious in taking down and apprehending suspects, biting is part of a canine officer's job description.

Unfortunately, you apparently can't teach old...

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