Amazon truck sitting in Seattle

What Happens When an Amazon Truck Hits Your Car?

The bustling streets of California are a tapestry of vehicles, each with its unique purpose and destination. Among them, Amazon delivery trucks have become an increasingly common sight, a reflection of the booming e-commerce industry. Yet, with the convenience comes the potential risk, as collisions involving Amazon trucks and other vehicles...

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Uber car parked

Uber Car Accident Claim Time Limits in California

The aftermath of a collision with an Uber vehicle can bring about life-altering consequences, underscoring the significance of understanding the intricacies of Uber car accident claims. As a Los Angeles-based personal injury law firm catering to clients across California, J&Y Law comprehends the multifaceted nature of these...

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Commercial vehicle accident

What to Do After a Commercial Vehicle Accident

Commercial vehicle accidents are jarring events that can leave individuals in a state of shock and confusion. The aftermath of such incidents can be both physically and emotionally overwhelming. At J&Y Law in Los Angeles, we comprehend the intricate nature of personal injury cases stemming from commercial vehicle accidents. In this...

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Commercial vehicle crash with a car

Injuries Resulting from Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Los Angeles, a city in perpetual motion, is a hub of commercial activity driven by a fleet of commercial vehicles. These massive vehicles keep the wheels of the city turning, transporting goods, and maintaining essential services. However, their substantial size and weight come with inherent risks on the road. When a commercial...

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