man checking damage on car

How to Determine Fault in a Car Accident

Assessing negligence in a collision is essential because the fault is a significant factor in who has to pay the losses of the other party. You can look at the police report to see who they blamed for the accident or wrote a ticket to, but sometimes liability is more complicated than...

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Are Older Cars Safer Than Newer Cars?

It is well known that corporate cost-cutting strategies have lowered the quality of many products and services over the years, but have concepts such as “obsoletion-by-design” (aka, “Planned obsolescence“), “shrinkflation” and “the substitution effect” had any impact on the safety of modern cars? Is it possible that modern vehicles are actually less...

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Key mistakes to avoid after a car accident

A simple misstep after a California car accident can jeopardize your claim against an insurance company. In a personal injury lawsuit, this means you could lose thousands of dollars in a matter of seconds. Therefore, it is crucial that you understand and keep in mind what NOT to do after a car...

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Neurological Issues From a Car Accident

According to the CDC, each year between 80,000 and 90,000 people suffer problems associated with traumatic brain injuries. The most frequent cause of this type of injury is falls and traffic accidents, which frequently result in some type of sudden blow to the head. An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney can help...

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car crash dummy

What Are The Odds Of Dying In A Car Crash?

Although stories of fatal car crashes seem to be a daily occurrence on the news, depending on where you live, you might wonder, what are the odds of dying in a car crash? Does the media blow the stories out of perspective, while downplaying or not reporting deaths from much more dangerous...

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car insurance agent

How Does Car Insurance in California Work?

Everyone should know that you must maintain a certain amount of car insurance if you drive on public streets in California. Unless you have been in an accident, you might not understand the ins and outs of insurance coverage. 

A California car accident attorney can handle your injury...

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