Signs that you are suffering from a head injury

Head injuries are often among the most damaging injuries a person can sustain, often causing short- and long-term hardship for victims and their families. This type of trauma is usually the consequence of a blow or collision to the victim's cranial area, frequently caused by a blow or impact against a surface...

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Can Brain Injury Change a Person’s Behavior?

A traumatic brain injury or TBI can result from an accident or other incident that results in personal injury. Depending on the specific brain injury, a person can suffer immediate physical and cognitive damage. Regardless of how long these injuries take to appear, these injuries can represent a traumatic event for those...

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fingers pointing at brains on an xray

What public resources and organizations can help people with Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Several public resources and organizations are dedicated to helping individuals with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and their families. These organizations provide a wide range of services, including support, education, advocacy, and access to medical care and rehabilitation services. Some of the most prominent resources and organizations include:

Prominent Resources...
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Neurological Issues From a Car Accident

According to the CDC, each year between 80,000 and 90,000 people suffer problems associated with traumatic brain injuries. The most frequent cause of this type of injury is falls and traffic accidents, which frequently result in some type of sudden blow to the head. An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney can help...

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brain injury scans

Can Brain Injury Change a Person’s Behavior?

A traumatic brain injury or TBI may occur because of an accident or other incident of personal injury. The immediate aftermath of a brain injury can be a traumatic experience. Depending on the specific brain injury, a person may sustain immediate physical and cognitive impairments. 

Some victims may sustain...

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brain scan of TBI

Can a Traumatic Brain Injury Worsen Over Time?

Every year, thousands of Californians suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBI) due to others’ negligence. These injuries can be severe and sometimes life-threatening, requiring immediate and often ongoing medical attention. 

If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury at the hands of someone else, you may be...

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Woman looking at x-rays of coup and contrecoup brain injuries.

What Are Coup and Contrecoup Brain Injuries?

Brain injuries are common accident injuries. You can sustain a brain injury in a motor vehicle accident, fall, workplace accident, pedestrian accident, sports injury, dog attack, and many other personal injury accidents. The type and severity of your brain injury often dictate whether you may suffer long-term consequences. It can help...

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Catastrophic Truck Accident Injuries

What is a catastrophic injury under California law? A truck accident can alter your life in an instant.  Truck accidents can result in serious and catastrophic injuries that will have lifelong consequences.  You may not be familiar with the term “catastrophic injury.”  Our Los Angeles truck accident attorneys at the law firm of J&Y...
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Protecting Young Athletes from Second-Impact Syndrome

What is the Concussion Management in Youth Sports Act? In September, Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2007, the Concussion Management in Youth Sports Act into law. While schools previously had strict rules to protect student athletes who may have suffered head injuries, this law, which became effective in January, extends those rules to youth...
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High School Football Player Suffers Head Injury

What are the concussion risks for high school football players? The high risk of concussions that football players face has widely been reported, particularly at the professional level. In response to growing concerns about the long-term consequences of head injuries, the National Football League has implemented new protocols when players appear to suffer concussions. Obviously,...
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