Anaheim Truck Accident Attorney

Anaheim, California, like cities throughout the country, is home to many types of commerce that make use of the trucking industry. With Disneyland at its hub, Anaheim has a great deal of tourist trade, so in addition to all the businesses that service residents, requiring trucking to and from companies that deal with groceries, advertising, employment, clothing, computers, telecommunications, construction, demolition, banking, healthcare, government agencies, and educational institutions, there is a great deal of trucking to hotels, restaurants and to the entertainment park itself. Having trucks on the road may be a positive sign of economic and industrial growth, but to drivers of cars and motorcycles, not to mention pedestrians, trucks can be an unwelcome danger on the roadways due to the occasional Anaheim truck accident.

How Trucks Make Anaheim Roads More Dangerous

Drivers of much smaller vehicles have good reason to feel threatened by the presence of trucks on the roadways. For one thing, trucks are many times larger and heavier than cars and motorcycles. This means that if a car or motorcycle collides with a truck, the risk of injury to the driver of the smaller vehicle is much greater.

Another thing that makes trucks dangerous to other drivers is that trucking companies keep their drivers on tight schedules, pressuring them to move from one location to another quickly, often with insufficient breaks for rest or nourishment. Not only does this sometimes lead truckers to speed, but it also results in driver fatigue and exhaustion. Truck drivers, like the rest of us, may “glaze over” simply because they are driving for such long hours. Unfortunately, some of these drivers take stimulants to keep themselves alert, but such substances often make them more, rather than less, dangerous. Also, because truckers spend so much time in their vehicles, they are more likely to try to distract themselves by talking on the phone, texting, eating, drinking, or reaching for something while they drive.

In general, truckers are held to a higher standard than ordinary drivers. In addition to being required to get a commercial driver’s license, they face harsher penalties for traffic infractions. For example, truckers can be convicted of DWI when their blood alcohol content (BAC) is half as high as that of ordinary drivers.

Truck drivers, however, may also be inexperienced, reckless, or impaired by alcohol or drugs. Though trucking companies take precautionary steps to help their drivers stay alert and careful, slippage does occur. While most trucking companies make an effort to comply with the state and federal laws that require them to conduct routine maintenance and safety inspections, vet their drivers, and periodically make sure that any necessary repairs to their trucks are done promptly, invariably, there will be mistakes made. If one of their trucks causes an accident resulting in serious injury or wrongful death, the trucking company can be held responsible.

Determining Fault In An Anaheim Truck Accident

California is not a no-fault state so when a traffic accident occurs blame is assigned. Therefore, if you are involved in a truck accident in Anaheim, the person found to be at fault for the accident is liable for damages. Because in many cases both parties are partially at fault, California, like nearly one-third of the states, assigns pure comparative fault. Comparative fault means that the amount of compensation paid to an injured party is limited by that party’s degree of fault for the accident. If the driver of the car, for example, is found to be 20 percent at fault, 20 percent is subtracted from his or her personal injury award. So, if this driver is awarded $100,000, he or she will only receive $80,000. What “pure” comparative fault means is that even if one driver is found to be 99 percent at fault for the accident, he or she can still file a personal injury claim.

You Deserve Compensation for All Expenses Stemming From the Accident

J&Y’s sharp truck accident attorneys will provide you with thoughtful legal counsel and compassionate support. We will work diligently to obtain compensation for your:

  • Medical and rehabilitative expenses, present and future
  • Physical and/or psychiatric therapy
  • Lost wages, present and future
  • Property damage
  • Mental anguish
  • Disfigurement
  • Long-term physical pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of function
  • Care for permanent disability
  • Alterations to your home to accommodate your needs

We are adept at calculating, using well-tried formulas, what your future expenses are likely to be.

Types of Truck Accidents in Anaheim

Trucks, especially tractor-trailers, are subject to some kinds of accidents that do not occur in other vehicles. Also, mishaps that occur in cars are often riskier when they occur in trucks, not only because of the size and weight of the vehicles but because trucks are more cumbersome to navigate. Types of truck accidents include:

  • Rollovers
  • Jackknifes
  • Brake failures
  • Runaway trucks
  • Blind spots
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Under-rides ( a truck stops short and a small car becomes trapped beneath it)
  • Wide turns

To complicate things further, large trucks not only have large blind spots themselves, but their size or height may prevent those in nearby cars from seeing danger looming behind, in front, or to the side of them.

Our Anaheim Truck Accident Will Fight Hard to Obtain Compensation For You and Your Family

If you have suffered a serious injury, such as a fracture, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, or internal bleeding, or if you have endured the horror of losing a loved one to wrongful death, our truck accident attorneys are here for you. We have the in-depth knowledge and extensive experience to protect your right to just compensation. We will investigate and evaluate all pertinent information in police reports, medical data, witness accounts, and recorded vehicle inspections. We will take your case only if we feel confident we can win you a substantial settlement. While we fight your legal battle and deal with all the logistical matters involved, you and your family can use the time to heal from physical injuries and emotional trauma. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 657-233-3913 or fill out a contact form on our website so we can get started. Remember — you will pay no attorneys’ fees until we win your case.