woman with sunglasses smiling while driving types of car accidents

Anyone who drives in California knows that automobile accidents are common and can occur in all types of situations, whether on busy highways, side streets or even parking lots. These accidents can involve collisions between motorists, or vehicles and pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as impacts with objects such as utility poles and medians. Regardless of the nature of the collision, many auto accident victims are left with long lasting injuries.

At the J&Y Law Firm, our experienced personal injury attorneys help car accident victims obtain the compensation they deserve. We are well versed in state and local traffic laws and have a well earned reputation for providing our clients with aggressive legal representation.

Common Types of Auto Accidents

Although many car accidents are minor fender benders, collisions can occur in a variety of situations. Some of the most common automobile accidents include:

T-bone Accidents

Side-impact accidents typically involve a collision between two or more vehicles that are moving at moderate-to-high speeds. In many cases, T-bone accidents are often caused by a driver running a stop sign or traffic light and slamming into the side of another vehicle. Because no braking or vehicle slowing occurs, these accidents are considered “unexpected” collisions  that usually result in traumatic injuries to drivers and passengers.

In a side-impact accident, the force from the speed of the vehicles is transferred to the occupants, causing their bodies to move, twist and turn in the opposite direction of the impact. This can result in significant neck and spinal cord injuries, fractured and broken bones and serious head trauma. While many newer vehicles are equipped with side-impact airbags to protect passengers from side-impact collisions, these devices cannot completely protect the body from such forces.

Rear-End Car Accidents

Some of the most common car accidents throughout Northern and Southern California are rear-end accidents. A key factor in these accidents is speed because drivers are prone to misjudge speed when approaching a stopped vehicle, resulting in a rear-end impact. These accidents typically occur at traffic signals, intersections or when traffic is slowed due to accidents or other road conditions.

Another contributor to rear-end accidents is distracted driving due to the use of smartphones, texting and other onboard technology that can take a drivers attention away from the road. Although there are state laws banning the use of cellphones, texting and other wireless devices, distracted driving continues to be a leading cause of traffic accidents in California.

One common scenario in rear-end collisions is multi-car accidents in which the first vehicle strikes another car, and the force pushes that vehicle into another motorist, at times triggering a chain reaction that can involve multiple vehicles. In any event, rear-end collisions can result in traumatic injuries, particularly when the impacting vehicle is traveling at high speed. Many accident victims suffer injuries to neck (whiplash) and lower back, as well as tendon, ligament and muscle strains. Depending on the severity of the impact, these accidents can lead to  permanent injuries and fatalities.

Head-on Collisions

It goes without saying that head-on collisions can have devastating consequences for the occupants of both vehicles. These accidents involve front-end to front-end impacts that often lead to death, ejection of occupants from the vehicle, and catastrophic injuries. Head-on collisions often occur on two-way roads with narrow lanes or where lane crossing is common.

If the collision occurs on a freeway at high speed, the consequences can be more severe and occupants can suffer massive injuries or die. These accidents are frequently caused by drunk, fatigued and distracted drivers. Although driver and passenger side airbags can help to reduce the impact of a head-on collision, the force is still great enough to cause significant injuries to internal organs, the brain and spinal column.

Tire Blowouts

While technological advances have improved the performance and safety of tires, blowouts are still a leading cause of car accidents. Tire blowouts occur when a tire is severely damaged and suddenly loses all air pressure, causing the driver to lose control. While defective tires can cause a tire blowout, tires that are not properly inflated or that are worn are more prone to blowouts. Additionally, tire blowouts can be caused overloading, or small punctures that cause the tire to lose air until the pressure fails, as well as potholes and other defects or debris on the road.

Nonetheless, drivers have an obligation to ensure their vehicles are safe. This means that the air pressure should be regularly monitored, at least with every oil change. Tires should also be inspected for evidence of any damage or wear and tear, particularly before long trips. Finally, tire blowouts are frequently the cause of accidents involving tractor-trailers, often with devastating consequences.

California Auto Accident Attorneys

At the J&Y Law Firm, we have decades of experience handling all types of car accident claims. We have the skills and resources that are essential for establishing the other driver’s liability. Our car accident injury attorneys help clients recover damages such as lost wages, past and future medical expenses, property damage and pain and suffering.

Nonetheless, car accident claims can be complicated and often involve an intricate and detailed negotiation with an insurance company. We know that insurers are more concerned with profits than the well being of injury victims and will try to settle claims for as little money as possible. We leverage our legal knowledge and negotiating skills to obtain the maximum settlement, but are also fully prepared to litigate any matter in court. We believe that no one should be forced to suffer because of a driver’s negligence. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Northern or Southern California, call our office today for a free consultation or complete the contact form on our website.

The  J&Y Law Firm represents clients in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, San Bernardino County, San Francisco County, Sacramento County and all of Northern and Southern California.