Palmdale Personal Injury Attorney

J&Y Law Firm Palmdale
1008 West Avenue M14 Suite A-178
Palmdale, CA 93551

Personal Injury Lawyer Serving Palmdale Accident Victims

Located in the center of northern Los Angeles County, Palmdale is separated from L.A. by the San Gabriel Mountains. Up until the late 1890’s, thousands of antelopes roamed the region and, until the outbreak of World War II, Palmdale remained primarily an agricultural community. Once the U.S. government established Muroc Air Base, however, Palmdale began its climb to becoming the “Aerospace Capital of America,” so named because it is home to so many of the aircraft used in the U.S. military. The Palmdale population continues to grow at a rapid pace. As a matter of fact, Palmdale has been ranked in the top 25 fastest-growing U.S. cities for the last 25 years. With rapid population growth come the benefits of increased economic opportunity and cultural diversity. Unfortunately, however, increased population density also often results in higher crime rates.

While we usually do not expect victims of crimes to turn to personal injury attorneys, in cases of some crimes, like sexual assault, personal injury claims are the only means by which victims can receive monetary compensation. J&Y Law, a professional law corporation with offices throughout California, has a branch in Palmdale, conveniently located at 1008 West Avenue M14, Suite A-178. Our skilled attorneys, known for their compassion as well as their competence, are available to help you if you have been the victim of a sexual assault, or if you have suffered any other type of personal injury that is the fault of another.

At J&Y Law, we cover all types of personal injury cases; cases involving sexual assaults are just being used as an illustrative example of the type of caring, responsible service we provide. In Palmdale, as in all our offices, we work on a contingency basis, meaning that you will not be charged a fee until we win your case. Personal injury cases we handle include:

If you have suffered serious personal injuries or lost a loved one as a result of negligence or deliberate attack in Palmdale, you should contact J&Y Law. We are fully committed to helping you receive the monetary compensation you deserve for medical and/or funeral expenses, lost wages (past and future), psychological counseling, and pain and suffering.

How does sexual assault differ from other types of personal injury?

The difference between sexual assault and other types of personal injury cases is that the defendant in sexual assault cases is accused of intentionally harming the victim, an element rarely part of cases involving car accidents, construction accidents, or slip and falls. Even though a sexual assault can lead to criminal prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment of the attacker, victims must bring a civil lawsuit against the attacker or any involved third parties in order to receive monetary compensation.

If you have been sexually assaulted in Palmdale, once you have reported the crime to the police and received necessary medical  treatment, you should contact J&Y Law. When you put yourself in our capable hands, you can be assured that our skilled attorneys will handle all the legal aspects of your case and work hard to obtain the highest possible compensation for you, leaving you free to concentrate on healing from the physical and emotional trauma you have undergone.

If you have suffered a sexual assault in Palmdale, it may help you to know that you are far from alone in your pain, fear, anger, and humiliation. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 2 women in the United States have been sexually assaulted at some point during their lifetimes, and that as many men may have been victimized in this manner if the prison population in included in the tally.

Since the number of known sexual offenders in Palmdale is close to the California state average, sexual assault in Palmdale is hardly unknown.

What constitutes sexual assault?

Any non-consensual sexual contact is considered sexual assault, including:

  • Inappropriate touching
  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Incest
  • Exhibitionism
  • Voyeurism
  • Child molestation

In California, a claim of sexual assault must allege that the sexual act was non-consensual and that it is was either intended to provide the defendant with sexual gratification and/or to harm the victim.

Possible Defenses against Charges of Sexual Assault

Once you have engaged the services of one of our experienced J&Y Law personal injury attorneys, you can rely on our acumen to predict defenses your attacker’s attorney may try to use to raise doubts about the defendant’s guilt. The primary defense claim is typically that you (the victim) consented to the sexual contact, though this is not a viable claim if the victim is a child or anyone with diminished mental capacity, such as an intoxicated person or one with dementia.

Proving Sexual Assault

There is often long-lasting physical damage in the aftermath of a sexual assault. Even more frequently, there is prolonged emotional distress — anxiety, PTSD, depression, even suicidal ideation. Many victims, in their attempt to escape feelings of frustration and helplessness, turn to alcohol or drug abuse. Our goal is to help you obtain compensation. By doing so, we hope to provide you with a sense of justice that will aid in your recovery.

Emotional turmoil after a sexual assault is typically more pronounced when the attacker has escaped prosecution or conviction. This is where J&Y Law comes in. No matter whether your attacker is brought to trial and convicted or not, you, as the victim, are not without legal recourse. We can help you sue in civil court to obtain the monetary compensation you deserve. This legal remedy has two advantages:

  1. There is a lower standard of proof in civil cases, so we need only prove that it is more likely than not that the defendant attacked and injured you.
  2. We can sue a third party, such as the place of business, school, or park in which the attack took place for providing inadequate security, as well as the perpetrator.

The second is particularly helpful because your attacker may not have the financial resources to provide you with the necessary compensation, and most liability insurance policies exclude coverage for intentional acts.

How A Palmdale Personal Injury Lawyer at J&Y Law Can Help Empower You

At J&Y Law, we firmly believe that, as a victim of sexual assault, you are entitled to obtain monetary damages to compensate you for your medical costs, lost wages, and physical and emotional distress. We will stand firm to get you the damages you deserve, whether your attacker has been brought to trial and convicted or not. We are keenly aware of how sensitive a topic sexual assault is, and so will always be gentle and discreet.

Because of the heinous nature of sexual crimes, civil courts often award substantial compensation to deserving victims. In addition, you may also be entitled to restitution from the California’ Victims’ Compensation Fund. As your advocates, we will fight vigorously to see that you receive every dollar you deserve. If you have been the victim of a sexual assault in Palmdale, or have in any way been personally injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another, please don’t hesitate to contact us by filling out the convenient form on our J&Y Law website or by calling.