Woman with a serious personal injury from an accident at a doctor's office.

Timeline of a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Personal injury lawsuits are affected by many factors, differing from case to case. The extent of your injuries and cooperation between parties are two largely determining factors in how your case will advance.  

There is some consistency in the process, however, and relying on an experienced

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Bottom half of a motorcycle.

What Is My Motorcycle Accident Case Worth?

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in California, you should probably talk to a California motorcycle accident attorney to discuss how much your motorcycle accident case is worth. While every case is different, injuries resulting from motorcycle crashes are often severe and you...

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Woman smoking an electronic cigarette.

Juul Nationwide Lawsuits Update

Juul Labs Inc., which makes most of the e-cigarettes in the United States, is the subject of hundreds of lawsuits around the country. Originally, makers of e-cigs touted the devices as safer than traditional cigarettes, but there have been health and safety issues with this product.

If you or...

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Mom helping her son with his burn injury.

Child Burn Injuries: What You Need to Know

Child burn injuries can result in extreme pain, emotional trauma, and permanent disabilities. As a parent, your sole concern is for the health and wellbeing of your child. However, your child may be entitled to compensation if the burn injury was caused by negligence or wrongdoing. If you suspect another...

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Woman touching her neck injury while worried about her taxes and personal injury settlement.

Is My Personal Injury Settlement Taxable?

If you are injured in an accident caused by another party, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses. You may be reimbursed for your medical expenses and loss of income, as well as compensate for your physical and emotional pain and suffering. A California...

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Man going to discuss his personal injury settlement with his attorney.

Can My Personal Injury Settlement Be Garnished?

Personal injury or loss at the hands of someone else’s negligence can leave you emotionally, physically, and financially disadvantaged.  Often, loss of income and huge debts result. 

If you are pursuing a personal injury settlement through a California personal injury lawyer, or have already...

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Tesla at a charging station.

Tesla Autopilot Crash Update

California ranks among the highest in auto-related injuries and fatalities in the United States. With millions of commuters on California roadways each day, car accidents are inevitable.  However, as statistics attest, the high number of drivers on the road is not the only problem.  Distracted driving...

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Personal Injury attorney going over legal documents with client

Benefits of Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A wrongful death lawsuit arises when a family member dies because of the negligence or wrongful acts of another party. The lawsuit is a civil action that is separate and apart from any criminal charges filed against the party responsible for another person’s death. The civil lawsuit is not dependent upon...

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Man who was injured in a construction accident being helped by worker.

Five Construction Accident Facts You May Not Know

Each year construction workers, visitors, and others are injured or killed on construction sites. Construction site accidents account for approximately one-fifth of worker fatalities. Individuals injured on construction sites may be entitled to compensation from the property owner, construction company, or other parties. Our California...

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Wet floor sign to prevent slip and fall injuries.

Unexpected Slip, Trip & Fall Injuries

Slips, trips & falls account for thousands of injuries each year. In some cases, a slip and fall injury can result in life-threatening injuries and death. In many cases, the person who falls did not expect to be injured when they entered the building or area. Our California...

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