trucks on the highway

Common Types of Trucking Accidents

California hosts some of the busiest roadways in the nation. A prime travel and trade state, California roads are congested with commuter, leisure, and commercial drivers. 

Fast-paced and heavy traffic demand more focused attention from drivers. While all drivers make mistakes, commercial trucks add a different...

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construction site

Construction Accidents: Second Most Dangerous Industry

The construction industry provides many opportunities for workers across a variety of trades.  It also offers excellent career earning opportunities.  However, construction is not without risk, leading almost all other industries in work-related injuries and deaths. 

California workers understand that on job injury accidents and deaths make the construction...

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Someone riding a boat.

Why Do Boating Accidents Happen?

With temperatures warming and an increase in recreational boating, it’s essential to consider safety on the water. California boating accident attorneys will tell you that thousands of accidents occur each year involving watercraft, resulting in severe injuries and sometimes even death. Understanding why boating accidents happen...

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Rollover semi-auto truck in a rollover accident

Common Injuries in Rollover Accidents

Vehicle rollover accidents are among the most dangerous accidents on the roadways. Not only do rollover accidents account for nearly 35 percent of all vehicle accident fatalities, but the injuries sustained by survivors are often life-altering.   

If you are a California driver injured in a rollover accident, you may...

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Woman on her phone in her car.

The Real Cost Of Distracted Driving

Busy lifestyles, limited time, and a pension for multi-tasking are all factors leading to diverted attention while driving. On congested California roadways, this is a recipe for disaster. 

California car accident attorneys want you to know that distracted driving results in measurable and immeasurable costs, extending...

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